Academic Reporting

At Chertsey High School, we prioritise fostering an environment that nutures academic growth and personal development. As part of our commitment to keeping you well informed about your child's progress we also understand the importance of easily interpretable data, offering you valuable insights into their performance. 

Key Stage 3 Reports:

Students fall into one of three bands based on their primary SATs (and average CAT4) scores: High Prior Attainers, Middle Higher Attainders and Low Prior Attainers. This is a nationwide process.

Combined KS2 Result

Attainment Band 

Anticipated GCSE Outcome







99 and lower



This makes long-term assumptions about children based on their performance aged 11. We know that no two children progress at the same rate, and that different factors affect their performance.  

KS3 Progress Reports

We do not give your child a number or grade as a target. We simply let you know whether they are working below (needing support), working at (securing) or working beyond (mastering) their attainment band.  Students also receive an attitude score and a work score (see below).

Key Stage 4 Target-setting (Years 10 & 11)

At the beginning of Year 10, students are given a target for each GCSE (or equivalent) subject they are taking. Although this is still based on SATs results, we also involve the student and teacher in setting targets which challenge students and encourage them to be aspirational.  

Key Stage 4 Progress Reports

Your child’s target grades will appear on each report. In addition, we let parents know what teachers are predicting students will achieve based on current progress and effort, and any mock results. Students also receive an attitude score and a work score (see below).

  • Combined Science award will be reported as two consecutive grades eg 4-5 or 5-5. These will either be the same grade or consecutive ones. Separate sciences are given individual grades.
  • Enterprise and Marketing, iMedia and Sports Studies grades are Pass (P), Merit (M), Distinction (D) and Distinction Star (D*)


Attitude to Learning

Quality of Class and Homework



Excellent concentration, rarely off task and a commitment to improve their learning is consistently shown.

Always completes classwork & homework on time. Work is completed to a high standard and evidently strives to meet target grade or above.



Concentration is usually good in class and on the whole a desire to achieve is shown.

Completes classwork & homework on time, at least 90% of the time. Work is completed to a good standard.




Focus in class is less than expected.  Often off-task and distracting others learning.

Completes classwork & homework some of the time. Work is completed to a satisfactory standard.


Area of


Shows little desire to improve and rarely applies themselves to the learning tasks.  Regularly distracts others from their learning. As such progress is being seriously hindered.

Rarely completes classwork & homework on time. Work is completed to a below satisfactory standard.

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