Who are my points of contact?

For most issues your first point of contact will be your child’s form tutor via email.

For more urgent or serious concerns you may wish to contact your child’s Head of Year. They will decide if it is needed to include a senior leadership team member.

NB - Remember there is a specific channel to be followed!

For subject specific queries you can contact your child’s subject teacher or head of department. All staff email addresses can be found on the website.


Any Medication

Any and all medication will be held in the school's office. We need parent consent before we can allow any child to use any medication. Please fill in the form below and return to the school office with the medicine.

Please Click Here For Long Term Use Of Medicine

Locker Information

Chertsey High School provides lockers for all/only students in Year 7 that wish to securely store their belongings. Lockers are available to rent annually; please see below for more information:

High quality – our lockers are incredibly robust and durable. Locker bodies are made from 18mm thick MF MDF and doors are made from 10mm thick Solid Grade Laminate

No keys – our electronic lock is operated by a combination emailed directly to the student so there are no keys to manage. If the student forgets the code a reminder can be sent quickly by email. We will have a master override code in the school office for emergency access.

No money to collect – Payment is fully processed online via locker.rentals

If you need help please call the company directly - 0330 311 1003


Click Here To Download Locker Information

Free School Meals

Your child may be able to get free school meals if you get any of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you're not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit

How to apply:

  • Step 1: Fill in the Application form
  • Step 2: Return the Application form to the school's office
  • Step 3: We will contact you with the confirmation

Click Here To Download The Free School Meal Application Form

Children who get any of the above benefits in their own right (i.e. they get benefits payments directly, instead of through a parent or guardian) can also get free school meals.

This not only helps parents in saving a large amount of money on school dinners, particularly during these tough financial times, but it is also has a financial benefit to school.

All schools receive funding called 'Pupil Premium' which is calculated based on the number of children on roll receiving Free School Meals. Such funding enables provisions for extra in-class support, targeted intervention, additional resources and subsidised school trips for children entitled to free school meals.

Please note, if your child is entitled to a free school meal, the allowance is automatically credited to the student’s account each day to allow purchase of the meal. However, any unused money is not carried over from one day to the next.


Our payment system

ParentPay is our school's online payment system which most parents prefer and because we are a cashless school. It's hassle-free and can be done at any convenient time. 


What can I do with ParentPay?

ParentPay it's used to make cashless payments for all related school activities.

  • School Meals
  • Trips (Local; National; Abroad)
  • Clubs
  • Music lessons
  • Educational Visits at School


Making a payment is on ParentPay is very straightforward and safe. Payments can be made by credit and debit card. ParentPay holds an electronic record of all your payments to view at a later date. No card details are stored in any part of the system.

Need Help

Mrs Foley


Finance Officer 

Please Click Here If Any Help Is Needed


ParentPay Register/Login 

Some Extra Information For Parents

Parent's FAQ's

How do I request leave of absence?

We only grant leave of absence for exceptional circumstances

Please fill in the form below and return to the school office. We will contact you with the conformation of your request. 

Click Here To Download The Application Form For Leave Of Absence

What is a typical day like?

Students are welcome in school 8:00

Students can enjoy a lovely breakfast from 8:00, but are expected to be on the school site by 8:15 and will start the day with their form tutor at 8:30. The school timetable is organised into twenty-five hour lessons a week. There are five lessons a day, over an alternating two-week schedule (A week and B week). They will have a short break from 11:00-11:15am and a long lunch break from 13:20-13:55. School is dismissed at 15:00. The school will be staffed until 16:00 every day which will allow students to complete homework in the school until that time.

How to arrange a meeting with one of my child's teachers?

If you wish to meet with a specific member of staff, please contact them via email to arrange a mutually agreeable time. Please bear in mind that there are times when there may not be a relevant member of staff available for an immediate meeting (we highly recommend arranging a meeting). All staff email addresses can be found on the website.

What happens if my child receives a detention?

Detentions can be given for unacceptable uniform, poor behaviour, failure to hand in homework, failure to complete classwork, not following instructions, truanting lessons or lateness. Detentions may be set at break, lunch or after school and are always set for the same day. Detentions will be logged in Arbor. Failure to attend a detention may result in a longer detention or an escalated sanction.

How will I receive all important school information?

We send out a weekly newsletter, via email, with any and all important information. 

Please remember to inform the school if you have any changes to your contact detail.

What happens if my child is ill in school?

The school has a sick/medical room. If your child feels unwell they need to inform there teacher and can then make their way to the sick/medical room. We will always try to best accommodate your child. If we feel necessary, we will give them paracetamol but only if we have your permission.  

Please note that we will only send your child home if we have physically seen them been sick. If this is the case, we will call you to either obtain permission to send them home alone or request that someone collects them.

The school has several trained first aiders including some who are trained to operate the school’s defibrillator should this be required.

If your child has any regular medication they need to take, such as a course of antibiotics or insulin, we can look after this in a lockbox or a refrigerator. Students will need to administer their own medication, but can do so in the privacy of the school’s medical room.

If your child requires an asthma pump or Epi-Pen please ensure they carry these will them at all times. We are willing to keep extras in the medical room.

It is vital that we have up to date medical information so please complete the medical form as soon as possible to return it to reception.

What equipment is my child expected to bring each day?

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